Saturday, October 31, 2009


Jack was not so excited to put on his costume, but once we got it on, he thought Halloween was pretty good. As soon as he got candy from a house, he wanted to eat it right away, saying "openit, openit"... Luckily, we were able to give him smarties at a fairly slow rate. The duck suit is a replica of the one that Uncle Zach wore around this age. While the original was found and survived a wash, it was just a bit to small. Thanks Grandma Nonie for making the costume! And thanks to Ebay for the vintage Donald Duck.

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Monday, October 26, 2009


Jack's favorite activity at the farm was "bus, bus, da-rive". A couple times we had to give another kid a turn at the wheel, but they typically only wanted to drive for a minute or two. Jack had real staying power--we had to drag him away kicking and screaming (literally).

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On the Farm

Grandma Martha visited this weekend, and we went to a "farm" outside of LA. Unlike the farm we visited near Boulder a while back, these people had clearly talked to a lawyer, so it wasn't quite as cool. Still, they had a lot of animals. Jack loves animals. His favorite things were "bird, big" (an emu) which he observed "cawwot, eat" (eating a carrot--who knew emus eat carrots). He also enjoyed "goat, brush" and "sheep, pet, gentle".

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