Saturday, April 23, 2011

January 15

I heart LA.

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And eat cupcakes!

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They also got to make their own bubbles

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Party Time

Jack had a great time at his birthday party. He was quite engrossed in the bubble show, but he decided not to participate too much.

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Digging in

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You may notice there are a few extra candles. When Jack was putting them on, we had trouble getting him to stop at 3!

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Happy Birthday Jack!

Jack turned 3 on March 2! He had an extended celebration, with visits from Grandma Martha, Grandpa Bry and Grandma Nonie, preschool celebration, and finally a party with his friends (and cupcakes). He got a bike for his birthday. He is happy to wear his lightening mcqueen helmet and knee pads and already does pretty well on the (no-pedal) bike. It is a little hair-raising when he takes it out on the sidewalk (or rides to our local diner Mary and Robb's), especially crossing the street, but he is making good progress on gliding and steering. And he certainly gets a lot of comments on his cuteness!

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Jack started at the Temple Isaiah Preschool back in January, but I never posted... Here are a few pics from his first day. He adjusted right away, and jumped straight into the activities. We had our first parent-teacher conference, and the teachers say he is doing really well.

Painting the mitten was part of the two-week unit on "cold weather." They had fake snow and ice skating and talked about what you have to wear when it is cold. I guess when you live in LA, you need to learn about this in school...

It is interesting to notice in these photos that he is wearing a matching outfit chosen by me. For soem time now, he has been insisting on wearing short-sleeved shirts and usually shorts too (some days it is warm enough for this but not always), with no regard for matching. He insists that he needs to wear short sleeve shirts "so you can see my muscles." We have no idea where he got that idea from.

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