Jack found one of the backup blue doggies ("Arf") in a bag from the trip thsi morning, so it was a double-arf day. Hopefully, we can sneak one away while he sleeps without his noticing.
We also got to see the whole Walker Weiss clan and catch up several DC-area friends. You might also notice that Jack's hair has gotten a little curly--that is not just a DC-humidity effect, it happened a couple weeks ago...
Grandma Martha's has a nice big yard, a big blue "ba," and several "arfs" nearby. Jack finally got to meet Uncle Ed and Aunt Joyce. (Photo credits to Uncle Ed)
Jack was very happy to push the "Ka" around, then dad took him to wipe his nose, he ran back to get the cart, but another kid beat him to it. That was the end of the playground.
We visited Washington, DC for the wedding of Josh (Ben's friend from high school) and Shannan. This gave us an opportunity to visit the Mall. We went to the Air and Space Museum, where Jack wanted to get behind every exhibit. Denver airport also afforded plenty of opportunities to look out the window at little cars ("Ka, Ka") and airplanes (which, interestingly, are also called "Ka").
After several months of pushing his cart and walking with assistance (but really seeming like he didn't need it), Jack decided to walk on his own last weekend, just in time for Grandma Martha's visit! (sorry no sound on this one--still working out the kinks).
Jack has made a lot of progress in his development lately, but he is still working on the swallowing aspect of eating solid foods. He likes to completely fill his mouth with pears, bread, or whatever and ask for more even though his cheeks are totally full. Usually, he eventually swallows, though he has recently learned how to spit stuff out!